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About Avirat Life Science

Avirat Life Science was founded by Dr.Chaitanya Ramesh Kulkarni, Mrs. Swati Ramesh Kulkarni in year 2021 with huge experience in plant extracts and their applications for wellbeing of the society.

Avirat life science realizes that health is not just illness free physical state but also comprises mental and environmental wellbeing too. We ensure our products are all natural and contamination free to bring about holistic healing of an individual. The product development is driven by keen enthusiasm of traditional knowledge of Ayurveda. Avirat Life science encourages a holistic approach that goes in harmony with nature as we recognize pancha-mahabhoota to have control over our lives. We are not only committed towards providing cure for illness of an individual but also providing efforts to conserve the environment and forests who provide us precious life we are blessed with.

The hunger of excellence is what has powered Avirat Life Science. Our advanced research in Ayurveda and development of products is driven by expert ayurvedacharyas and scholars in the field. Achieving unmatched authenticity in Ayurveda is what we seek in the future. We seek social partnership from medical practitioners and distributors in achieving our mission.

Check Some Home Remedies

Natural home remedies include that they are cheaper, safer and in many a cases they work better. Many a times natural remedies do not only provide relief and treat symptoms but also cure and heal ailments from their roots.


Causes of headaches are many but they are mostly related to life-style and exposure to stressful environment.



Stomachache alerts us to something that's happening inside us that we might not know about otherwise. Cause of it might be hard to figure out.



Fever is an indication of infection in the body. It’s always recommended to see a doctor if fever persists for more than a day.



It commonly occurs when waste or stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract or can't be eliminated effectively.



Diarrhoea is passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you. It affects most people but usually nothing to worry about.



Acidity can be considered as life style related disorder. Junk and spicy food, inappropriate timing of meals, excess consumption of tea or coffee etc.

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