A stomach ache is cramps or a dull ache in the tummy (abdomen). It usually does not last long and is often not serious.

Some reasons for belly pain are obvious, like when someone gets hit in the gut or eats spoiled macaroni salad. Other times, it might be hard to figure out. With so many organs in the abdomen, different problems can have similar symptoms.


It is the best medicine which helps relive the stomach pains. Just consume 2 tea spoon of ajwain with warm water and see the pain go away.


Camphor taken with sugar helps reduce stomachache. Camphor along with asaphoetida helps reduce indigestion.

Black pepper

Black pepper is useful in stomachache if powder consumed with ginger and lime.

Aloe vera

It works magic on old stomach pains too, just consume fresh Aloe vera gel with turmeric and salt in the morning.

Sonamukhi (Senna Leaves Powder)

It can be consumed with rock salt at night to relive stomach pain.


Consumption of Just couple of pinches of asaphoetida mixed with warm water helps reduce stomachache.

Vekhanda (Sweet flag) Powder

This powder is very effective on stomachache when taken with cup of buttermilk.